How to Get Your Products Noticed By Investors

It’s not enough to just have a product that you think is worthy of investment and eventual marketing and sale. Investors are looking for more than just a product worth investing in. The market is flooded with potential products and those begging to have them invested in. Investors are looking for startups with a back story, with big ideas that will expand into another innovation, or a technique or startup that will also give back or benefit communities and specific groups of people. A gimmicky product that will only amount to one season of sales with no real longevity is not worth an investor’s time let alone capital. So what can you do to make sure you stand out among all of the other innovators in your class? Follow some fairly simple tips to get yourself noticed and on the road to success.

  • Give them a viable reason to buy in with personal or emotional ties. Sell yourself along with your innovation. Investors not only want to make money off of your innovation or product but also need to feel some sort of attachment to you or your innovation. Make it something meaningful to them or the consumer market you’re targeting and they are much more likely to notice you and invest.
  • Keep it simple without using too much tech talk or insider terms. Many investors aren’t going to be an expert in whatever field you work from but are interested in spending money in something they can stand behind and make a profit from.
  • Don’t be afraid to brand and promote yourself using social media. Seeking investments for a new innovation using old school resources won’t get you noticed by investors. Take advantage of the newest channels for networking and advertising to stand out above the rest. Innovation should play a role in all aspects of your business model.